Campaign Service
Campaign Missions
Here we offer to run any mission in the game for you on all 3 Campaigns.
The missions available for running include:
Tyria (Prophecies) - 24 Missions (Augury Rock excluded)
Cantha (Factions) - All 13 Missions
Elona (Nightfall) - All 20 Missions
We will always complete your mission with Bonus/Masters. We will usually request your account information so that we can work on it in our time and not need to wait for you or schedule a specific time, as this does not work out well with shift times and is inconvenient. However, if you specifically request to be present, we will charge a 30% fee.
The only missions that we will not be able to do if you are present, is Augury Rock in Prophecies which is a solo mission that you have to complete.